Piercedorum.com has been around for over three years. Ever since major providers like yahoo.com , msn.com and in some way google.com decided to get rid of adult oriented group a bunch of body piercing and tattooing enthusiast decided to start their own forum with no strings attached to anyone. That day piercedforum.com was born. With its popularity and increased amount of traffic bandwidth excited 10 megabytes per day and it cost over $200 just to ay for hosting. We hope you will not take this personally, but this archive was simply designed to cover some costs of maintaining our main site and cover some of our bills. Here you will find all files that members contributed over the time as well as additional bonus features. HELP UP to keep our forum alive and kicking !!! Please contribute to what's already out there and see other body modification fans do the same. This way we will all benefit !!!
* Full access to over 20 000 + files
* Rare photos and videos of modified fans
* Erotic tattooing and body piercing taken to extreme
* All available for download in one place
* No need to register
* Come any time and enjoy you favorites
Latest Update: October 21, 2024 - 72 New pictures albums and 39 video folders added. TOTAL NUMBER OF ALBUMS - 1089